Tap: On Tap
An All Abilities Tap Ensemble
About Us
Tap: On Tap - An All Abilities Tap Ensemble is a dance company with a focus on adaptation, inclusion. and the art of tap dancing. This tap company includes the integration of tap dancers and tap dancers with disabilities. Some of the disabilities are the result of brain and spinal cord injuries. The art of tap dancing will be celebrated by tap dancing with feet and hands.. The tap dancing with hands will be using a system called Tap Dancing Hands Down®.
Tap: On Tap is fiscally sponsored by New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA).
NYFA is a nonprofit service organization that empowers working artists and emerging arts organizations across all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives and professional/organizational development.
To contribute to our tap company through NYFA, visit:

Genesis of Tap Dancing Hands Down(R)
In Memory of Stephanie Brantley